Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The California Seal of Biliteracy

Part of motivating our Long-Term English Learner (LTEL) population is helping them to see the value and importance of their primary language. Often times, due to subtractive schooling and other societal pressures, LTELs begin to devalue their primary language, shunning it for English. This can happen at any age, but most often happens in the primary grades, when students begin to realize that they are different and are wanting to fit in.

If we begin to put a higher value on biliteracy - fluent, academic reading, writing, and speaking of another language, in addition to English - students will in turn place a higher value on their primary language. This has multiple benefits. "Academic skills, literacy development, concept
formation, subject knowledge, and learning strategies developed in the first language will
all transfer to the second language" (Collier, 2005). In addition, changing the perception of the primary language for a student can help foster positive associations with their primary language, resulting in a desire to maintain and further their cognitive development in their primary language.

In 2009, Californians Together introduced the Seal of Biliteracy. The following is from their website:
"The Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by a school, school district or county office of education in recognition of students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation. Appearing on the transcript of the graduating senior, the Seal of Biliteracy is a statement of accomplishment for future employers and for college admissions."

The Seal of Biliteracy can help to motivate students to maintain their primary language, to learn a second language, other than English, and can help prepare our students to be competitive in the global economy. In a world where students in most other countries know two or more languages, American students are at a distinct disadvantage. The Seal of Biliteracy not only promotes fluency in two or more languages, but adds prestige and intrinsic value to an English Learner's primary language.

To learn more about the Seal of Biliteracy:

State Seal of Biliteracy - California Department of Education

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